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Jesteś w: Strona główna » Choice of recruitment » Preparatory Polish language course for studies at RUT
Last modification: 2025-01-08 14:28
I declare that I have read the regulations of the courses and training at the Rzeszów University of Technology. *
I declare that I take full responsibility for the veracity and exhaustiveness of the data I have provided during the registration and I acknowledge that Rzeszow University of Technology does not bear responsibility for the content of the information I have provided. *
Klauzula informacyjna / Information clause:
Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza https://w.prz.edu.pl. Dane zbieramy i przetwarzamy na potrzeby procesu rekrutacji na kursy i szkolenia. Więcej informacji o tym jak przetwarzamy dane osobowe znajdziesz tutaj: https://rodo.prz.edu.pl/klauzula/kandydaci-podyplomowi-kursy
The administrator of your personal data is the Rzeszów University of Technology https://w.prz.edu.pl. We collect and process data for the purposes of the recruitment process for courses and training. More information on how we process personal data can be found here: https://rodo.prz.edu.pl/klauzula/kandydaci-podyplomowi-kursy
Fill out the registration form according to the spelling rules.
Check the correctness of the data provided [criminal liability applies for providing inaccurate data under the article 233 of Criminal Code].
Remember your login and a password.
If you make a mistake while filling in the registration form you have the possibility to correct of the information by logging into your account.
Jeżeli uważnie przeczytałeś powyższe informacje i akceptujesz treść podejmowanych oświadczeń, wybierz przycisk "Potwierdź".
If you have read the above information carefully and you accept the contents of declaration, press "Confirm".
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Politechnika Rzeszowska 2025