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Ostatnia modyfikacja: 2025-01-08 14:28
I declare that I have read the regulations of the courses and training at the Rzeszów University of Technology. *
I declare that I take full responsibility for the veracity and exhaustiveness of the data I have provided during the registration and I acknowledge that Rzeszow University of Technology does not bear responsibility for the content of the information I have provided. *
Klauzula informacyjna / Information clause:
Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza https://w.prz.edu.pl. Dane zbieramy i przetwarzamy na potrzeby procesu rekrutacji na kursy i szkolenia. Więcej informacji o tym jak przetwarzamy dane osobowe znajdziesz tutaj: https://rodo.prz.edu.pl/klauzula/kandydaci-podyplomowi-kursy
The administrator of your personal data is the Rzeszów University of Technology https://w.prz.edu.pl. We collect and process data for the purposes of the recruitment process for courses and training. More information on how we process personal data can be found here: https://rodo.prz.edu.pl/klauzula/kandydaci-podyplomowi-kursy
Fill out the registration form according to the spelling rules.
Check the correctness of the data provided [criminal liability applies for providing inaccurate data under the article 233 of Criminal Code].
Remember your login and a password.
If you make a mistake while filling in the registration form you have the possibility to correct of the information by logging into your account.
Read the information published in the "Messages" section available after logging into your account. There you will receive important messages and learn about the decision regarding admission to the course / training.
Wydrukowany i podpisany formularz PODANIA SIR wraz z dowodem wniesienia opłaty rekrutacyjnej (o ile jest wymagana) oraz innymi wymaganymi dokumentami należy dostarczyć osobiście lub przesłać na adres jednostki prowadzącej kurs / szkolenie.
The printed and signed Application Form form together with the proof of payment of the recruitment fee (if required) and other required documents should be delivered in person or sent to the address of the unit conducting the course / training.
Jeżeli uważnie przeczytałeś powyższe informacje i akceptujesz treść podejmowanych oświadczeń, wybierz przycisk "Potwierdź".
If you have read the above information carefully and you accept the contents of declaration, press "Confirm".
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Politechnika Rzeszowska 2025