Chemical Engineering and Technology full-time first-cycle studies (bachelor's degree)

Educational profile

academic Tooltip

Language of instruction



Faculty of Chemistry


from June, 01 2024 to July, 15 2024 15:00

Seat limit

10 - for candidates who do not hold Polish citizenship and are undertaking studies based on the decision of the Rector

Course Description

Description of the field of study

The study programme includes general education in the field of basic chemistry, general engineering activities and in the field of chemical technology and engineering, concerning, among others, typical chemical and mechanical processes used in the chemical industry, various physicochemical and analytical methods used to assess the properties of engineering materials, as well as the use of computer tools supporting design, modelling and manufacturing.

The study programme additionally gives the opportunity to individualise the path of education, in accordance with the student's interests, by selecting thematic blocks (specialities): sustainable chemical technologies (green chemical technologies eliminate waste, improve production safety, and its economics) or engineering of polymeric materials (polymers are ideal for all types of engineering applications to replace traditional materials with much simpler materials for manufacturing while maintaining their desired properties).
Graduate's competences

Graduates of first-degree studies in the field of chemical engineering and technology have a systematic, theoretically based general knowledge of the basic branches of chemistry as well as knowledge and engineering skills in the field of material engineering, process engineering, and chemical technology. They know modern technologies for the production of various chemical products, including ceramic, composite, and polymer engineering materials. The degree holders can use modern methods, techniques, and tools for structure identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and assessment of the properties of raw materials and products.

Graduates have the structured knowledge required to understand, design and supervise technological processes using a variety of experimental, computational, and simulation methods and techniques. They analyse the functioning of devices and technical systems used in these processes and indicate the possibilities of technology development. Degree holders are familiar with current trends in technology and chemical engineering. They know new technological solutions according to the principles of sustainable development, including use of technologies using natural and renewable resources, planning new pro-ecological technological solutions, waste management, and in particular the use of appropriate recycling technologies.

Graduates have knowledge of a general foreign language at the level of B2 proficiency of the European System of the Description of Language Education of the Council of Europe.
Typical workplaces/jobs

Interdisciplinary technical education allows graduates to take up professional work in the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, polymer processing, and food industries, as well as biotechnology, energy, and environmental protection. Working as engineers, technologists, and designers, graduates are sought-after engineering and managerial staff for almost all branches of the processing industry. They are also valued employees of industrial research and development laboratories as well as design studios and offices.

Typical positions held are: chemical engineer, process engineer, product engineer, process industry designer, equipment designer, research and development engineer, production specialist, laboratory research specialist, quality control specialist, laboratory analyst chemical installation operator, technological process operator, technical and commercial advisor.

Rules of recruitment

Resolution No. 71/2023 of the Senate of the Rzeszow University of Technology of 29 June 2023 (503 kB, PDF)
on the conditions, procedure and date of commencement and completion of recruitment for individual first- and second-cycle degree courses in the academic year 2024/2025

Resolution No. 5/2024 of the Senate of the Rzeszow University of Technology of 12 March 2024 (264 kB, PDF)
amending Resolution No. 71/2023 of the Senate of the Rzeszow University of Technology of 29 June 2023 on the conditions, procedure, and deadline for commencing and completing recruitment for individual courses of study at the first and second degree levels in the academic year 2024/2025

Order No. 27/2024 of the Rector of Rzeszow University of Technology of 22 April 2024 (in Polish, 273 kB, PDF)
regarding detailed requirements for the documents entitling foreign candidates to apply for admission to studies at Rzeszów University of Technology for the academic year 2024/2025

List of subjects to be considered for admission

Weights applied to the results obtained in the written (external) part of the matriculation examination
1Mathematicsx 1x 2
2Biology or Chemistry or Mathematics or Modern Foreign Languagex 1x 2
  1. Admission to first degree programmes is based on the results of a competitive recruitment process.
  2. Admission to first degree programmes is within the number of places set by the Rector, according to the following rules:
    1. priority is given to candidates who are winners and finalists of central-level Olympiads;
    2. the remaining candidates are admitted on the basis of a ranking list, in the order determined by the value of the recruitment coefficient R, in a number corresponding to the planned number of places, minus the number of candidates referred to in point 2.1.
  3. The basis for determining the place on the ranking list is the recruitment rate R calculated according to the formula, taking into account sections 4 to 8:
    R = P1*W + P2*W + 5E
    where the meaning of the individual symbols is as follows:
    P1 - the result of the baccalaureate examination in the subject listed for a given faculty in table in item 1;
    P2 - the result of the baccalaureate exam in a selected subject listed for a given major in table in item 2;
    W - subject weighting for basic or extended level respectively;
    E - final result from the entrance examination in artistic aptitude in the case of admission to the course in Architecture.
  4. The results of the Matura school-leaving examination obtained at the basic level or at the extended level in the written part (in the case of the "2002 Matura school leaving examinations" - in the external part) of a maximum of two subjects listed in table.
  5. In the case of a candidate whose school-leaving certificate shows results of the Matura school-leaving examination in a given subject obtained at basic and at extended level, the recruitment procedure takes into account the level with the result more favourable for the candidate.
  6. If a subject taken into account in the admission procedure for a specific field of study does not appear on the secondary school leaving certificate, the candidate receives "0" points in the admission procedure for that subject.
  7. For candidates with the so-called "old Matura school-leaving examination":
    1. the grades from the matriculation examination are treated on a par with the results of the matriculation examination obtained at extended level under the "New school-leaving examination" system;
    2. the grades from the secondary school leaving certificate or, in the case of a candidate who has a two-page version of the secondary school leaving certificate, the grades from the secondary school leaving certificate shall be treated on a par with the results of the examination obtained at basic level under the "New Matura school-leaving examination" system.
  8. A candidate for studies conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology in Stalowa Wola shall have the number of points added to the number of points constituting the value of the recruitment index:
    1. 25 points for holders of vocational qualification certificates with average scores below 75% of the points possible;
    2. 50 points for holders of vocational qualification certificates with an average score of 75% and above of the points possible.

Detailed schedule of the recruitment procedure
for foreign candidates admitted to study on the basis of an administrative decision of the rector
for full-time studies of the first degree - basic recruitment
(excluding studies in architecture)

11. Registration of foreign candidates in the System of Internet Recruitment (SIR) and payment of the fee for the study admission procedurefrom June 1, 2024
to July 15, 2024 by 3 pm
2Placing in the personal registration account in the SIR by foreign candidates original documents of education (diploma, high school certificate) obtained abroad to verify eligibility for studyuntil July 15, 2024 by 3 pm
3Placing on the personal registration account in the SIR by foreign candidates documents about education obtained in Poland, matriculation certificate issued by the school or OKE to verify matriculation results - applies to those who have not consented to the processing of data in the KReM and those with the so-called "Old Matura school-leaving exams" (exam passed in secondary schools until 2004, in technical schools until 2005).x)
4Determination of the required minimum number of points eligible for admission to the university. Determination of lists of foreign candidates qualified for admission by the decision of the rector July 17, 2024 at 10 am
5Announcement on the personal registration account of a foreign candidate in the SIR of the fact of qualification for admission to studies or placement on reserve lists July 17, 2024 at 11 am
6Acceptance and verification of documents from foreign candidates qualified for admission to studiesJuly 17, 2024 from noon to 4 pm
and from 18 to 19 July 2024, from 9 am to 4 pm
and July 22, 2024 from 9 am to 4 pm

(documents sent by post must reach the Foreigner Recruitment Commission by July 22, 2024 at 4 pm - the date of receipt of the documents at the Foreigner Recruitment Commission is decisive)
7Announcement on the personal registration account of the foreign candidate in the SIR of the fact that the candidate has been admitted to study or qualified for admission from the reserve listby July 23, 2024 at 4 pm
8Acceptance and verification of documents from foreign candidates qualified for admission from reserve listsfrom 24 to 26 July 2024 from 9 am to 4 pm

(documents sent by post must reach the Foreigner Recruitment Commission by July 26, 2024 at 4 pm - the date of receipt of the documents at the Foreigner Recruitment Commission is decisive)
9Announcement on the personal registration account of the foreign candidate in the SIR of the fact that the candidate has been admitted to the university from the reserve listby July 29, 2024 at noon
10Announcement of the list of those accepted and not accepted for studiesJuly 29, 2024
11Sending the rector's decisionfrom July 30, 2024

x) In the case of foreigners with a Polish high school diploma, in order to determine the list of persons admitted to the recruitment procedure, the University verifies the results of the high school diploma in the National Register (KReM).
Persons who have not consented to the processing of their data in the SIR and those with the so-called "old secondary school diploma" (secondary school-leaving exam taken in secondary schools until 2004, in technical schools until 2005.) in order to verify the results are required to upload to their personal registration account in the SIR a scan of the original or a copy of the Matura certificate issued by the school or the OKE by the deadline for online registration of foreign candidates (not later than July 15, 2024 at 3 pm).

Submission of documents

Due to frequent enquiries on how to submit applications to study at Rzeszow University of Technology, we would like to inform you that applications can be submitted by:

  • a candidate - in person,
  • a candidate - by the Polish Post or any courier company (documents must be sent within the time limit specified in the recruitment schedule), a copy of the original or a copy of the a secondary school certificate or diploma certified by a notary as a true copy of the original,
  • on behalf of the candidate - a person authorized to undertake all actions in the recruitment procedure on the candidate's behalf. In this case, the authorized person may sign the required documents on behalf of the candidate: Model authorisation (181 KB, PDF)

Documents required from candidates for full-time and part-time first-cycle studies

  1. A candidate for full-time and part-time first-cycle studies qualified for admission to the first year of studies is required to submit the following documents by the date set out in the recruitment schedule respectively:
    1. a personal questionnaire (SIR APPLICATION FORM) - printed from the Online Recruitment System and signed by the candidate;
    2. a candidate with the so-called „new matura” (secondary school graduation examination from 2005): a copy of the original or a copy of the secondary school graduation certificate or a duplicate of the secondary school certificate, a copy of the supplement to the secondary school graduation certificate issued by the relevant Regional Examination Board - the original document must be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is a true copy of the original;
    3. a candidate with the so-called „old matura” (secondary school graduation examination till 2005): a copy of the original or a copy of the secondary school graduation certificate or a duplicate of the secondary school certificate issued by the secondary school, and in the case of candidates who have a two-page secondary school graduation certificate, also a copy of the original secondary school diploma, a copy of the certificate of the results of matura examination in individual subjects referred to in the regulations on the educational system issued by the relevant Regional Examination Board - the original of the document should be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is a true copy of the original;
    4. a candidate for studies conducted in Stalowa Wola: diploma confirming vocational qualifications in a profession taught at technical level - original document should be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is a true copy of the original;
    5. a candidate in possession of a certificate or other document obtained abroad - a copy of the original certificate or other document obtained abroad, legalised or stamped with an apostille, together with a translation into Polish made by an authorised authority, and in the case of a certificate or other document which, in accordance with the applicable legislation, is subject to recognition by an administrative decision of the education officer as a document certifying entitlement in the Republic of Poland to apply for admission to higher education, taking into account the scope of entitlement in the country in which the certificate or other document was issued, also a decision of the education officer issued by the education officer competent for the place of residence of the person applying for recognition, and if there is no place of residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland - the education officer competent for the seat of the institution in which the person intends to submit the certificate or other document obtained abroad - the original of the certificate or other document should be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify the conformity of the copy of the submitted document with its original;
    6. a candidate in possession of an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva - a copy of the diploma together with a translation into Polish made by an authorized body - the original diploma must be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is in conformity with the original;
    7. a candidate in possession of an EB (European Baccalaureate) diploma issued by a European School in accordance with the Convention on the Statute of the European Schools drawn up in Luxembourg on 21 June 1994 (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 3, item 10) - a copy of the diploma together with a translation into Polish made by an authorised body - the original of the diploma must be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is in conformity with the original.
  2. A foreign candidate applying for admission to studies at the Rzeszów University of Technology, regardless of the required documents referred to in point 1, is obliged to provide the Commission for the Recruitment of Foreigners, within the deadline specified in the recruitment schedule, with a document confirming proficiency of the language (in Polish, 273 kB, PDF) in which the studies will be carried out.
  3. A candidate qualified for admission to a degree programme conducted in English who is a Polish citizen and did not achieve a result of 80% to 100% in the upper secondary school leaving examination in English is obliged to submit a copy of a document certifying his/her proficiency in English meeting the requirements set out in the Rector's Order (in Polish, 273 kB, PDF).
  4. Candidates admitted to study the following course of study: Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Chemical and Process Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Medical Engeneering and Chemical Technology will receive a referral for a medical examination by an occupational physician upon enrolment. Candidates are required to provide the dean's office of the relevant faculty with a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to taking up studies within 14 days of the start of the semester in accordance with the detailed organisation of the academic year.

The tuition fee

PLN 4680 / semester

1. Fee amount

PLN 85

2. Deadline for paying the recruitment fee

until July, 15 2024

3. Payment of the fee

A candidate for a first-cycle degree programme who, in the course of a single registration in the Online Recruitment System, hereinafter referred to as the "SIR", chooses two courses of study, a basic course of study and a parallel course of study in the same form of full-time or part-time study, shall pay a one-off recruitment fee in the amount specified in point 1.

A candidate who was not admitted to a selected full-time first-cycle programme in basic recruitment, reapplying for admission to a full-time first-cycle programme in supplementary recruitment or to a part-time first-cycle programme, shall again pay a fee for the admission procedure in the amount set out respectively in point 1, taking into account section above.

The candidate shall pay the recruitment fee referred to in point 1 to the individual bank account number generated by the SIR during the registration process, within the deadline set out in point 2 respectively.

The recruitment fee will be recorded in the SIR on the candidate's personal account (the "Recruitment fee" tab will light up green).

If the payment of the fee by the applicant has not been recorded in the SIR, the candidate must, no later than the closing date of the online registration (according to the recruitment schedule), immediately provide the Interdepartmental Recruitment Committee with proof of payment (in person, by fax, or electronically).

A candidate who fails to pay the recruitment fee in the amount and by the deadline specified in point 2 respectively, will not be considered for the recruitment process in the chosen field or fields of study.

Powrót do góry

4. Refund of the fee

The recruitment fee is refundable in the event of:

  • the candidate's withdrawal from the application for higher education notified before the closing date for registration in the SIR, as defined respectively in point 2;
  • cancellation of the registration as a result of payment of the fee after the deadlines specified in point 2;
  • excused absence of the candidate from the entrance examination on artistic aptitude for the faculty of architecture;
  • failure to establish a course of study due to an insufficient number of applicants;
  • overpayment (payment of the fee for a parallel course of study).

Refund of the recruitment fee shall be made upon written request by the candidate, to the bank account indicated by the candidate.

A request for a refund of the recruitment fee, together with the payment confirmation, must be submitted by the candidate to the Interdepartmental Recruitment Committee by 31 October 2024.

In the case of foreigners admitted to studies on the basis of the rector's administrative decision, an application for a refund of the recruitment fee together with payment confirmation must be submitted to the rector via the Committee for the Recruitment of Foreigners.

The candidate shall bear all costs associated with the payment of the recruitment fee, including handling costs, bank charges, commissions, as well as costs associated with the return of funds overpaid in the recruitment procedure for reasons not attributable to the University.

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