Modern Management full-time first-cycle studies (bachelor's degree)

Educational profile

academic Tooltip

Language of instruction



Faculty of Management


from June, 01 2024

Seat limit


Course Description

Description of the Modern Management course and the profile of the graduate - 1st degree program
A graduate of the Management course will have thorough theoretical knowledge in the field of management and quality science, but also practical preparation to manage various types of organizations, processes implemented in them, to make the right decisions in solving problems in various situations. They will acquire deep knowledge, managerial skills, and social competences necessary for efficient management of market-oriented enterprises and non-profit institutions.
The lack of traditional educational paths with an option to choose subjects depending on the interests of the student, gives the opportunity to independently create their own competencies, and create an individual career path. With classes conducted in English, widely recognized worldwide as the official language of business, using up-to-date textbooks and teaching materials in the field of business education, a graduate will gain the ability to communicate fluently in English, will be open to cooperation in a multicultural environment, to new experiences and opportunities arising from contacts with representatives of different cultures and nationalities.

A graduate of  the Management course will be aware of the need for independent and continuous learning, constant professional development, improvement and acquisition of new knowledge, advancement of their own competence and skills useful for working in intercultural, international teams. Studying management will equip a graduate with knowledge of management science and quality, as well as soft skills relating to:

  • cooperation and collaboration in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams,
  • motivating and leading employee groups,
  • alleviating tensions and resolving conflicts,
  • influencing the behavior of others,
  • acquiring and transferring knowledge,
  • communicating with internal and external stakeholders,
  • using creativity and inspiration in the process of generating new and cutting-edge ideas and solving various types of organizational problems.
The competence profile of a Management course graduate will meet the demand of modern organizations for managers - inspirers, managers - innovators and businessmen (entrepreneurs) - inventors who understand and accept new lifestyles, create technological trends, introduce pioneering, innovative products, and are able to profitably sell them. The openness of a graduate to change, flexibility and entrepreneurship will give them a competitive advantage in a difficult and turbulent labor market, enabling them to successfully pursue the career path, and adapt it to emerging constraints and opportunities from the environment. The knowledge a graduate will acquire, in addition to new skills and competencies, will enable them to do business in global markets, manage small, medium, but also large enterprises or their parts, and efficiently navigate global business networks.

Rules of recruitment

Resolution No. 71/2023 of the Senate Rzeszow University of Technology of 29 June 2023 (in Polish, 404 kB, PDF)
concerning the conditions, procedures and date of commencement and completion of recruitment for particular courses in first- and second-cycle studies in the academic year 2024/2025

Resolution No. 5/2024 of the Senate Rzeszow University of Technology of 12 March 2024 (in Polish, 149 kB, PDF)
amending Resolution No. 71/2023 of the Senate of the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology of 29 June 2023, regarding the conditions, procedure and date of commencement and completion of recruitment for individual first- and second-cycle studies in the academic year 2024/2025

Order No. 27/2024 of the Rector of Rzeszow University of Technology of 22 April 2024 (in Polish, 273 kB, PDF)
regarding detailed requirements for the documents entitling foreign candidates to apply for admission to studies at Rzeszów University of Technology for the academic year 2024/2025

List of subjects to be considered for admission

Weights applied to the results obtained in the written (external) part of the matriculation examination
1Mathematicsx 1x 3
2Mathematics or Physics and Astronomy/Physics or Geography or Modern Foreign Languagex 1x 3
  1. Przyjęcie na studia pierwszego stopnia następuje na podstawie wyników konkursowego postępowania rekrutacyjnego.
  2. Przyjęcie na studia pierwszego stopnia następuje w ramach ustalonej przez rektora liczby miejsc, zgodnie z następującymi zasadami:
    1. w pierwszej kolejności są przyjmowani kandydaci będący laureatami oraz finalistami olimpiad stopnia centralnego;
    2. pozostali kandydaci są przyjmowani na podstawie listy rankingowej, w kolejności określonej wartością wskaźnika rekrutacji R, w liczbie odpowiadającej planowanej liczbie miejsc, pomniejszonej o liczbę kandydatów, o których mowa w pkt 2.1.
  3. Podstawą ustalenia miejsca na liście rankingowej jest wskaźnik rekrutacji R obliczony według wzoru, z uwzględnieniem punktów 4 - 8:
    R = P1*W + P2*W + 5E
    gdzie znaczenie poszczególnych symboli jest następujące:
    P1 - wynik egzaminu maturalnego z przedmiotu wymienionego w tabeli w pozycji 1;
    P2 - wynik egzaminu maturalnego z wybranego przedmiotu wymienionego w tabeli w pozycji 2;
    W - waga dla przedmiotu odpowiednio dla poziomu podstawowego lub rozszerzonego;
    E - wynik końcowy z egzaminu wstępnego z uzdolnień artystycznych w przypadku rekrutacji na kierunek architektura.
  4. W postępowaniu rekrutacyjnym są brane pod uwagę wyniki egzaminu maturalnego uzyskane na poziomie podstawowym albo na poziomie rozszerzonym w części pisemnej (w przypadku „matury 2002” - w części zewnętrznej) maksymalnie z dwóch przedmiotów wymienionych w tabeli.
  5. W przypadku kandydata, który na świadectwie dojrzałości ma odnotowane z określonego przedmiotu wyniki egzaminu maturalnego uzyskane na poziomie podstawowym i na poziomie rozszerzonym, w postępowaniu rekrutacyjnym jest uwzględniany poziom z wynikiem korzystniejszym dla kandydata.
  6. W przypadku braku na świadectwie dojrzałości przedmiotu branego pod uwagę w postępowaniu rekrutacyjnym na określony kierunek studiów kandydat otrzymuje z tego przedmiotu w postępowaniu rekrutacyjnym „0” punktów.
  7. W przypadku kandydatów z tzw. „starą maturą”:
    1. oceny z egzaminu dojrzałości są traktowane na równi z wynikami egzaminu maturalnego uzyskanymi na poziomie rozszerzonym w systemie „nowej matury”;
    2. oceny ze świadectwa dojrzałości lub w przypadku kandydata, który dysponuje dwustronicową wersją świadectwa dojrzałości, oceny ze świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej są traktowane na równi z wynikami egzaminu maturalnego uzyskanymi na poziomie podstawowym w systemie „nowej matury”.
  8. Kandydatowi na studia prowadzone na Wydziale Mechaniczno-Technologicznym w Stalowej Woli do liczby punktów stanowiącej wartość wskaźnika rekrutacyjnego dodaje się:
    1. 25 punktów dla posiadaczy świadectw potwierdzających kwalifikacje w zawodzie z uzyskanymi średnimi wynikami poniżej 75% punktów możliwych do uzyskania;
    2. 50 punktów dla posiadaczy świadectw potwierdzających kwalifikacje w zawodzie z uzyskanymi średnimi wynikami na poziomie 75% i powyżej punktów możliwych do uzyskania.

A detailed schedule of the individual stages of the recruitment procedure for full-time first-cycle studies - basic recruitment

Informacje w przygotowaniu

Submission of documents

Due to frequent enquiries on how to submit applications to study at Rzeszow University of Technology, we would like to inform you that applications can be submitted by:

  • a candidate - in person,
  • a candidate - by the Polish Post or any courier company (documents must be sent within the time limit specified in the recruitment schedule), a copy of the original or a copy of the a secondary school certificate or diploma certified by a notary as a true copy of the original,
  • on behalf of the candidate - a person who has been authorised by a notary to undertake all actions in the recruitment procedure on the candidate's behalf. In this case, the authorised person may sign the required documents on behalf of the candidate: Model authorisation (8 KB, PDF)

Documents required from candidates for full-time and part-time first-cycle studies

  1. A candidate for full-time and part-time first-cycle studies qualified for admission to the first year of studies is required to submit the following documents by the date set out in the recruitment schedule respectively:
    1. a personal questionnaire (SIR APPLICATION FORM) - printed from the Online Recruitment System and signed by the candidate;
    2. a candidate with the so-called „new matura” (secondary school graduation examination from 2005): a copy of the original or a copy of the secondary school graduation certificate or a duplicate of the secondary school certificate, a copy of the supplement to the secondary school graduation certificate issued by the relevant Regional Examination Board - the original document must be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is a true copy of the original;
    3. a candidate with the so-called „old matura” (secondary school graduation examination till 2005): a copy of the original or a copy of the secondary school graduation certificate or a duplicate of the secondary school certificate issued by the secondary school, and in the case of candidates who have a two-page secondary school graduation certificate, also a copy of the original secondary school diploma, a copy of the certificate of the results of matura examination in individual subjects referred to in the regulations on the educational system issued by the relevant Regional Examination Board - the original of the document should be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is a true copy of the original;
    4. a candidate for studies conducted in Stalowa Wola: diploma confirming vocational qualifications in a profession taught at technical level - original document should be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is a true copy of the original;
    5. a candidate holding a certificate or other document obtained abroad - a copy of the original certificate or other document obtained abroad, legalised or stamped with an apostille, together with a translation into Polish made by an authorised body, and in the case of a certificate or other document which, in accordance with the applicable legislation, is subject to recognition by an administrative decision of the school superintendent as a document certifying entitlement in the Republic of Poland to apply for admission to higher education, taking into account the scope of entitlement in the country in which the certificate or other document was issued, also a decision of the school superintendent issued by the school superintendent competent for the place of residence of the person applying for recognition, and if there is no place of residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland - the school superintendent competent for the seat of the institution in which the person intends to submit the certificate or other document obtained abroad - the original of the certificate or other document should be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify the conformity of the copy of the submitted document with its original;
    6. a candidate holding an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva - a copy of the diploma together with a translation into Polish made by an authorized body - the original diploma must be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is in conformity with the original;
    7. a candidate holding an EB (European Baccalaureate) diploma issued by a European School in accordance with the Convention on the Statute of the European Schools drawn up in Luxembourg on 21 June 1994 (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 3, item 10) - a copy of the diploma together with a translation into Polish made by an authorised body - the original of the diploma must be presented to the ICR for inspection in order to certify that the copy of the submitted document is in conformity with the original.
  2. A foreign candidate applying for admission to studies at the Rzeszów University of Technology, regardless of the required documents referred to in point 1, is obliged to provide the Commission for the Recruitment of Foreigners, within the deadline specified in the recruitment schedule, with a document confirming proficiency of the language (in Polish, 273 kB, PDF) in which the studies will be carried out.
  3. A candidate qualified for admission to studies conducted in English, who is a Polish citizen and did not achieve a result ranging from 80% to 100% in the extended level English language exam or the secondary school leaving exam, is obligated to submit a copy of a document certifying their knowledge of the English language that meets the requirements specified in by order of the rector (in Polish, 273 kB, PDF).
  4. Candidates admitted to study the following course of study: Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Chemical and Process Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Medical Engeneering and Chemical Technology will receive a referral for a medical examination to a doctor of occupational medicine after admission to the university. Candidates are required to provide the dean's office of the relevant faculty with a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to start studying within 14 days of the start of the semester in accordance with the detailed academic year organisation.

Informacje w przygotowaniu